Saturday, May 15, 2010

Another late night, another pair of coffee smelling hands!!!

YES, I went out last night again. It actually is my first solo garden run. All the guerrilla gardening action so far had been teamed up with my buddies. Since it is exam time for my college, so it is harder for my buddies to have time and energy to come out with me. On the other hand, I am only a part time student so I have a lot more time than most of my buddies. It was a great solo run.

Solo run is definitely a bit different than with a team of buddies. I have to admit that it is less fun and goofy but I found that it is more meditative and thoughtful when I am on my own, just the soil and I, the nature and I... It was a very calming and soothing experience as I tend the garden in silents. When I am gardening along, my senses are able to focus more on the gardening itself. I can better feel the dampness of the soil, the smell of the coffee grounds, the size of the seeds, the tiredness of my body and the toughness of my palm... it was a spiritual experience to have my sense so open to the act of gardening. I love that feeling. But that does not mean that I don't like to go out and garden with others... I love to go garden with others too, oh so much... they are just different.

I planned 9 circles of watermelons, 8 seeds in each circles. I got about 9 liters of coffee grounds and I shoveled it into the soil before I planted the seeds. The soil should be quit fine for growing.

It was such an amazing sight when I finished planning. It was so beautiful to see the circles as they lay next to the 3 long line of potato plants. It is like an abstract painting... almost... ha. check it out:

Isn't this a beautiful picture? 3 rows of potato, 9 circles of watermelons. 

More picture of the new gardens:

Thanks for reading again!!!
Tonight, actually in about a hour... heading out to garden with 3 of my buddies, Jenny, Megan and Anna!!! probably planting some corn tonight... same place as where all these watermelons and potato are... and Monday I will be explore downtown more to find new places to put in new gardens!!! 
keep in touch!

wish you all well!!!


Scott said...

Thanks for the great post. I too am a guerrilla gardener and I have a blog about GGing. But I'm not a very good writer and I can't seem to find the time so most of my post are pictures of the gardens. I guerrilla gardened solo for many years and started GGing in groups a couple years ago. I think you described the differences between the two experiences very well. Group event are great. But there is something I really enjoy about the quite time in the garden just getting the work done. I can tell you're a serious gardener! Good luck with your gardens.

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