Saturday, May 15, 2010

Human's existence... found...

I went back to one of the road side garden that we planted with carrot seeds... and I found footprints all over it... It reminded me one again that there are going to be interventions and disruptions as the gardens mature from all sorts of different situations. It is in public spaces and it is for everyone, one who care for the gardens or one who disregard gardens. It does not matter who the people are, everyone have a right to those gardens, construction or destruction. It is meant for all, human and nature alike, so I should not be angry or have any thought of protecting it by lining poles and strings to set boundaries. Although I know of that, I was still sad about the disruption I saw in my garden.

Footprint of humans kind!!!

Another late night, another pair of coffee smelling hands!!!

YES, I went out last night again. It actually is my first solo garden run. All the guerrilla gardening action so far had been teamed up with my buddies. Since it is exam time for my college, so it is harder for my buddies to have time and energy to come out with me. On the other hand, I am only a part time student so I have a lot more time than most of my buddies. It was a great solo run.

Solo run is definitely a bit different than with a team of buddies. I have to admit that it is less fun and goofy but I found that it is more meditative and thoughtful when I am on my own, just the soil and I, the nature and I... It was a very calming and soothing experience as I tend the garden in silents. When I am gardening along, my senses are able to focus more on the gardening itself. I can better feel the dampness of the soil, the smell of the coffee grounds, the size of the seeds, the tiredness of my body and the toughness of my palm... it was a spiritual experience to have my sense so open to the act of gardening. I love that feeling. But that does not mean that I don't like to go out and garden with others... I love to go garden with others too, oh so much... they are just different.

I planned 9 circles of watermelons, 8 seeds in each circles. I got about 9 liters of coffee grounds and I shoveled it into the soil before I planted the seeds. The soil should be quit fine for growing.

It was such an amazing sight when I finished planning. It was so beautiful to see the circles as they lay next to the 3 long line of potato plants. It is like an abstract painting... almost... ha. check it out:

Isn't this a beautiful picture? 3 rows of potato, 9 circles of watermelons. 

More picture of the new gardens:

Thanks for reading again!!!
Tonight, actually in about a hour... heading out to garden with 3 of my buddies, Jenny, Megan and Anna!!! probably planting some corn tonight... same place as where all these watermelons and potato are... and Monday I will be explore downtown more to find new places to put in new gardens!!! 
keep in touch!

wish you all well!!!

32 pumpkins plants and 7 potato plants...

Yesterday after I finished my volunteering services, I went back to the garden which is situated by a local hospital with pumpkins circles and rows of potato to check on the growth of the young ones and to water them for yesterday was a hot, dry day.

It was always so exciting to go to the gardens and see the progress it has made. I counted the pumpkins and the potato. I have 32 pumpkins plants and 7 potato plants now. I feel blessed as I carried a big grin. I am so loving this.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, seven of them pumpkin plants!!! 

Pumpkin plants!

Close up on a pumpkin plant, can you see all the detail, beautiful patterns on the leaf. 

This is a potato plant!!! 

Potato cracking the dry hard ground, fighting to be alive, fighting to breathes. 

Two potato plants coming from the same potato seeding. 

While I was checking out the pumpkins circle, a bird with a touch of orange on its head, come hopping around and away from the pumpkin circles. It could be my imagination or it could be the bird's body language, I felt that the bird was feeling guilty. Ha, it sound silly, I know. But I wondered was it eating the leafs of the pumpkins plants when I arrived for one of the pumpkins only have one leafs while normally it have a pair of leafs. The sighting of the bird reminded me that I am not only completing with the weather, nature and the soils, I am also completing with other animals for the existence of those plant. The competitive nature of mine arose as the thought mature. I have no resentments toward the bird for it is right so for the bird to gather foods, just as right so for me to gather foods. I truly appreciate my encounter with the bird as it reminded me this valuable lesson: not just humans should deserve to gain from this earth but also all animals under the sky deserve a piece of this land, treasure and kingdom. Thank you, little bird... for reminding me this lesson.

This is my gardening log book which I keep all my information and history of this guerrilla gardening project!!!

Thanks for reading again!!! 
I really appreciate your reading!!! 
If any of my blog entries provoke thoughts in you, please leave me a comment. 
I would love to hear about it all!!! 

Have a great day!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

First Summer Thunder Storm of the Year...

Some people told me today that this is not the first summer thunder storm of the year since there was another one about 2 weeks ago. I slept through that one so I am counting this one as my first one. I always love thunder storms in summer time, when the temperature is warm enough to allow us to play in the rain without shriving. I always love the flesh of lighting and the sound of thunders.

I remember as a kid, I use to stand outside in the open when there is a thunder storm to see how long I can withstand my own fear for the thunder and the lighting. I remember those soaked, sticky clothes that stay close to the fresh of my body as I stand out in the open, in a sense challenging the nature and my own human nature at the same time.

I wondered, was there a time in human history in which they don't fear lighting even as they stand out in a opening during a storm. I wonder if those long lost ancestors of ours was able to appreciate lighting and thunder without a hint of fear but with sense of wonders... had we lost something that is so essence to us, so essence to nature?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A cloudy day with sprinkles...

Today is a cloudy day with short periods of sprinkles here and there, now and then.
The weather been cold and wet so I had not need to go around and water the gardens.
I am though a bit worry about the cold. I am heading out to care for the gardens tomorrow late morning.
I hope they are all well.

Today is the last day of school and I only have one exam and a small reflection paper to do. I am so excited about all the long lost free time that I will gain during summer to hide myself in my creative factory and do art!!! I am so excited about being able to work on my projects!!!

It been a long day... So I am heading to bed now...
keep in touch...
all the best!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I couldn't not believe it!!! They are coming out. I went and garden a bit in all my garden and there they were. About 15 little pumpkin plant is out and 1 potato plant is out. I am so thrill and excited!!! I felt as a new parent, so proud, so happy, so glad and so excited. Apart of all these great feeling, a part of me feel the responsibilities for all these little plant. They are out and growing and now I have to care for them. There is weight on that thought, but I am ready for them. Actually today is a very cold day and as a father, I am started to worry for them. Wow, being a father ain't so easy... ha. 

Here is there baby pictures, I hope you will like them!!! 

Breaking the crust of ground and life sprout up. 

It always amaze me how strong plant are, able to push up the hard dry ground and fight for its own existence. 

I was out yesterday with a car loads of those coffee grounds that I got the day before. I was going to feed all my garden with it and water them as it is a pretty hot dry day yesterday. And what a surprise I got. 

I spread coffee grounds on all my gardens downtown. It was such a beautiful sight to see all my garden dark with coffee grounds covering. They are going to grow healthily. 

Sitting on the rich fertile ground full of coffee grounds, how beautiful is such new plant.

One of my gardens, posed with a bucket of coffee grounds!!!

My pumpkin garden... been fed with tubs of coffee grounds!!! 

My first potato plant, it was not until I was cleaning up and picking up the tools that I discover it. I am so excited!!! It is so beautiful. It is such a miracle that 

Hmmm... soak with coffee grounds and refreshing water!

4 row of carrots

When I was spreading the coffee grounds in one of the garden that is on a busy intersection, I felt so content and peaceful. I felt so close to my very own humanity and nature. I was touching the soil in which my food is growing out of, I am feeding the foods with coffee grounds that will ultimately feed me. I am growing my very own food that will eventually sustain my life. I felt blessed to able to be in every parts of this process of sustaining myself with foods. I felt connected again to nature and its way of existence. I felt alive and beautiful. I was glad.

5 circles of cantaloupe

3 Long rows of potato

What a great day! Thanks for reading again!
please spread the words about this blog, and lets start a movement together!!!
To care for the earth!
To take back the private own space and turn them back to community space that it was always meant to be!!! 

keep in touch!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Coffee shops runs, Coffee grounds, gardening!!!

Today, I was having breakfast and a cup of coffee with a lovely lady friend of mine and at the end of our outing, I remembered that coffee grounds are great for gardens so I proceeded to ask the cashier of this local coffee shop for their used coffee grounds. She was quite excited about it and she scooped me 2 big silver color bag of coffee grounds. I bet the gardens will love it!!! 

On my way to home to celebrate Mother's day with my family and the best mom in the whole wide world, I stop at another local coffee shop for more coffee grounds. Another exciting face, the cashier told me they have quite a bit just outside of the back door. I picked them up and put it right in the back of car. It is really a mess in the back of car. Oh well.... 

After work tonight, I drove around to two more local coffee shops for more used coffee grounds. One of them closed and one of them still open. Another exciting face, another cashier happily took me to the back of the coffee shop and handed me 3 big buckets of coffee grounds. I gave thanks and excitingly I drove off to home under the setting sun. 

It is so beautiful that people is so excited about gardening and reusing what would be trash to help bring new life to earth. I am so happy to see and experience all these blessing. 

I am so excited about tomorrow when I go to my gardens in downtown and feed my gardens!!! I fill my water containers and packed my shovel and fork in my car and i am ready for a great gardening day tomorrow!!! 

The back of my car, full of buckets, bags of coffee grounds!

Coffee grounds in my front passenger seat

Filling the water containers... can you see that the paint is coming off... OH NO!

Water containers in my garage, drying overnight!
