Wednesday, June 9, 2010

First of many day organized exploring expedition.

Dear readers,

Today was my first day of many more days ahead of organized exploring expeditions.
There is so much about this city that I need to know before I start my experiment. I had use the boundaries in which Art Prize had set for the Art Venues as the boundary of my habitat. Since the place I want to experiment with is the city and where people go back to sleep after their full day of work in the city, the boundary for Art Prize fit perfectly for this project.

So the area of habitat that I will be spending most of my times will be an area bounded by Leonard Street as the most North, by College Ave. as the most East, by Wealthy St. as the most South and by the Straight/Alpine Ave. as the most West. It is a pretty big area full of very diverse pocket of people, cultures... 

 Here is the map of the area. I printed it out so that as I explore, I can make marks on the maps to record all the discoveries. 

Today I went out at around 9:30am. I explored a area from College St. to Lafayette Ave. and from Wealthy St. to Fulton St. It is an area called Heritage Hill. It is widely know for its historical value as there are many old, majestic and beautiful Victorian houses. 



 The area was beautiful and definitely gave me a sense of peace. I enjoyed my walk around it today. It was truly a soothing walk. Actually as I walked further into the city by Lafayette Ave., I have a sense of resisting it. I loved those comforting, colorful and safe looking houses. I also loved the old rustic European looks that they have. At time during the walk, I wished upon myself that one day I can live here among all these old, gorgeous houses. But the wish always went into conflict with my love for simplicity and adventures. 
Also, Even though I enjoy the beauty of this neighborhood, but I at time felt lonely for there were no one around except occasionally one of two dog walker or runner pass by. The side walk became tool of exercise for human or dog. No long they are tool for transportation and spontaneous surprise and gathering of people. I felt a bit lonely. 

I made many marks on my map today. marks that are meaningful and not. On the map, I had marked:
  • 14 fire hydrants  
  • 6 dumpster for dumpster diving
  • 2 dumpster for card board boxes only... for card boards to make signs 
  • 2 mail boxes
  • 4 potential sleeping spot
  • 1 potential water storage spot
  • 23 potential food sources from food tree or flowers
  • 1 old street light with the top half of its body gone
  • 1 Castle.
  • 1 Star -war theme decorated car
Here is the map:


During my journey, I start to use the bible for edible plants to find edible plants around me. Surprisingly, there are so much that I can eat in the area that explored. Since there is a lot of well kept flower gardens, there are so much I can pick and eat. Also, There are couple of fruit bearing trees that I was able to eat too. I discovered a Fire Cherry Tree with delicious fruits, a Mulberries tree, a Canada Buffaloberries, 3 Juneberries trees and a Northern Mountain Ash. There were couple more fruits bearing tree but I am waiting for the fruits to be mature so that I can better identify them. Also, surprisingly, the flower and the flower buds of the Day Lili is edible and I ate quite a bit of them today too. I have to admit that my stomach was a tiny bit upset, but nothing too bad. haha. 

Fire Cherry

Day Lili

Hmmm... they have a mind onion favor to it.

 The Juneberries tree


Canada Buffaloberries

 It really did amazing me how many thing I can eat off the plants on the street, plants that been neglect or only view as decorations. They are some delicious decorations. 
The action of picking a fruit off a tree and without other preparation procedures, put it right in my month, made me felt so natural and close to nature. The trust I have to the nature and the apeication that I was able to shown through that trust made me felt so close to it. I loved that felling even though I did not like the feeling of a silly stomach. 
So here is my first exploring expedition... more coming. 
have a good night



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