Monday, May 3, 2010

We find a new empty lot that is fill with possibility!!!

Last night, After we got send away by the security guard, we decided we will just call it a night and come back another time to plant and water. It was a bit disappointed but it was also exciting in a sense that now it force us to be smarter and force us to find out more hidden empty lots to plant.

What happen next as we drove home was surely a beautiful thing. Andrew suggested that we will stop at this what use-to-be-a-fast-food-restaurant to see if there is any good land to garden. There wasn't much good dirt patch to garden on around the abandon building. suddenly, we realized that there is this totally empty lots next to us. It is fenced in with chain tied around the gate door. It seem as it is meant for a house to be build on. Andrew tried to squeeze in between the post and the gate door but then the chain that surround them broke and we got into the lot. We touch, dig and feel the soil. It felt right!!! We are planning to come back and plant a garden here. I think we are going to try to ask around the neighborhood and see who own the land and maybe we can even get permission for that piece of land.

Here is that chained gate door that Andrew broke... haha... We got in!!!

Andrew surveying our next potential garden!!! 


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