Different plants in the gardens are coming out. Let me quick give you a tally of all the plants that now I have in the gardens:
64 potato plants
34 pumpkin plants
8 water melons plants
1 cantaloupe plants
2 squash plants
26 corns plants
This is my gardening log book, it record everything about my gardens, from how many plants to all the fun stories that happened through gardening.
The gardens are growing well and I can't wait to see them continue to grow!
This is a potato plant. They are growing fast.
Close up of a potato leaf
Corn! what a beautiful color it is.
Another corn
Do you still remember the garden that I planted by the road side. You can see it on one of the entry on my blog," 4 police patrol car passed by and 3 passed without a word... but the last one... The garden was being disturb by humans' foot print. I though it won't last long and I have been slowly giving it up. But yesterday when went and check on that garden, I could not believe what I saw. The carrot is growing and a couple of the potato are coming out too. Wow, I need to give plants more credit than I had been giving them.
Those strong potato pushing their way out of the dry crust.
Small carrot plants.
Water shortage is still a challenge. One trip with 5 of those 5 gallons containers is no longer enough to water everything sufficiently. I need to make a decision if I want to increase the amount of water that I can carry in my car so I can water everything or I will no longer water. A part of me want this project to totally rely on nature. I am trying to decided if I want to just leave all those plants alone without ever watering them again to see how climate and nature will interact with those plants. Since if a real nomad find food that not from their planting but from the total wild, so a part of me want to be true to this characteristic and let the plants be wild, totally away from human activities. I still don't know what to do yet.
The two bean plants that my friend Anna planted in one of the garden are dying, and I am trying to rescue them but I really don't know will they continue to grow.
Beans on the plant!
They are drying up due to last 2 really hot day. I been giving them extra water and hoping that they will survive.
Thank you so very much for reading.
please keep in touch!!!
By the way, it is only 67 days away from the day when I start living as a nomad in the city.
keep in tune!!!
have a great day
everything looks amazing! please take me with you soon on a watering trip
for sure!!!
I will let you know a time and a date!!!
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