Saturday, May 1, 2010

My second home, my creativity factory...

Here is a few pictures of my creativity factory... My art studio!!! 
It is in a old abandon warehouse. It have old wood floor, brick walls and great big windows that let the sunlights in abundantly. There are 20 - 30 artist of all sorts of interests working in this old factory. 
It is truly an amazing place where artists can meet other artist and join in a wonderful community. 
Every year in September, this old warehouse turn into a mini art museum with fashion shows, concerts and abundant visual artworks. 
I truly love this place and I cannot wait until school out so that I can find myself there all the time and let myself express through this beautiful place. 

Here is some pictures of the studio:

Some more catch up on Guerrilla Gardening activities!!!

April 29 
A friend of mine, Andrew, and I went for an other dig tonight. We refilled all our 5-gallons gasoline containers full of water and we were ready for another dig. It rained a bit tonight in the afternoon. Not enough though to soften the grounds. We were heading to the same lot that we been planting potato and pumpkins. 
We went and while we digging the second potato trenches, a police car drove by us and stop at the other side of the parking lot (the empty lot that we are gardening is next to a pretty big parking lot). We did not know what to do. We quick get all our tools back in the car and waited for awhile for the police car to go, but it did not. So we decided we will just head to a local coffee shop and chill for a bit before coming back. 
When we came back to the empty lots, the police car was gone. We resumed our gardening and planted 2 more groups of pumpkins and watered the potato that we just planted. Then the police car came again and parked at the same place. We got off the lot and stand on the parking lot, acting like we were taking pictures for fun. The police car did not leave for a while but finally it did leave and we quick watered the new planted pumpkins and another garden and we got out of downtown. 
To now, we still have no idea what that police car doing. I wonder did the policemen even saw us or he actually was waiting for us to make a false move. ha... Who know? Maybe one day we will find out when they come and confront us. 
What a great night of adventures. I will keep reporting. keep tune. 

Andrew just chilling after planting the potato... I love those gas containers. 

I am actually just posing for this pic, we already done watering... haha!

Now... this is a real action pic. Andrew watering the potato after planted. 

Here is the 4 rows of potato!!! They are my love!!! 

Can you find the police car... right on the right of Andrew's left shoulder!

The pumpkins circles! 

April 30, 2010
Too tired... did not go gardening.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Guerrilla Gardening!!!

In the book, "On Guerrilla Gardening", by Richard Reynolds, it defines Guerrilla Gardening as the The illicit Cultivation of someone else's land. By the way, the book is amazing, check it out if you have time.

if you read my last post you might remember in my art proposal that one of the component of it is that I will become a hunter gatherer. For me to be a gatherer after 100 some days from today, I need to start planting vegetables and fruits now. So I been adopting the way of Guerilla Gardening and started to take back the abandoned private land to make it a public land that all people can use and enjoy and also to prepare for the art project.

If been a lot of thrill and fun to do guerrilla gardening. I bring a big spade, a small spade, five cleaned 5 gallons gasoline containers full of water, a brown paper bag of potato seedings, a lot of other seeds, a camera and a friend... And I am ready to guerrilla gardening.

I went and scouted some land and for the last 4 nights I been guerrilla gardening. I will let you know about them, here you go:

April 26, 2010

I did my first dig (a term use by guerrilla gardener to call a guerrilla gardening mission) that night. I went to this open empty lost between parking lots in downtown. I brought a friend with me, Corrie. It was successful. We planted 2 rows of potato and 2 groups of 8 watermelons each.
In the middle of the dig, there were a police car stop in the middle of the road to watch us. I was nervous. I told Corrie to take Pics so we look like we were just taking photo shoot instead or gardening... It worked beautifully! The police left and we continued the adventure.

The potato that we planted!!

After pic. The 2 rows of potato

putting dirt back on the potato

Do you see the red gasoline containers... one day someone is going to think we are setting fields on fire instead of watering. 

April 27, 2010 
I went back and water quick. No one was around. 

April 28, 2010 
I went back to the same field and planted 3 groups of pumpkins, 8 seed per group. I was alone tonight, kinda freeing. I was still nervous. I started to worry about the fact that I am Using 5 gallon-gasoline-containers to water and I wonder when people will tell on me to the policemen because they think I am setting fields on fire. I need a better watering devise. May be I can just spray paint them black...  

There they are, the 3 circle groups of pumkinds

what a good night! oh, no policemen tonight!

I will write more tomorrow... I still have to tell you about April 29, which is an amazing night with my friend Andrew, we had an exciting DIG!!!

My proposal for my art entry for competing in ArtPrize!!!

I am currently putting some idea together for a local art competition.
The competition is call Art prize, you can check out their website at: for more infor.
Art prize's prize money for the winners is the highest in the world of art.
Artists from all over the world come and contribute.
It is an amazing art competition and art show all together.
The winners are determine solely on the public vote.
So this year I decided to join in the fun and also to express and hopefully also spread a message.
here is my tentative first draft of the proposal of my art work. here you go:
Artist statement: 
 As I was growing up and my senses maturing, my eyes have been continuing to open up to the chaos and sufferings of this world. I cannot help but be angry and sad, frustrated and upset. I cannot help but wanting to give up the whole of myself for the world and in consequence ease some of the world’s sufferings and also some of my own internal tensions. Even though in my mind I wish desperately to be a selfless person that full of love with nothing else, but deep down I know and admit that I am a human being whom selfishness is my nature. There are sadnesses and guilts within me.   Even though I believe that selfishness is inevitable but I also believe that part of our human nature are full of love, dream and passion. 
 My artworks take place in public where the mass can see, hear, experience and understand. My artworks is interactive. My artworks give each viewer a individual experience as he or she discovers truth from the artworks and also a collective experience since the artworks take place in public with the mass. 
 To me, art today need to take up the role as the tool of an activist, the sword of a warrior and the voice of the masses. I think that art needs to be more than just an object or a performance, but it need to be a movement, a revolution, a declaration of a stand, a calling to action or even a life style. Arts need to be off the walls, off the stages and come alive in people’s minds and lives to inspirit them to do what is right and what is beautiful. Arts need to bring up conversations that people can take with them throughout their daily life to continue to provoke he or she to thinks deeper about life and the world and such provoking thoughts will turn into fruitful actions with time.
About the work:
Title: A Perfect Human in his Imperfect Habitat 
Art form: 2-D, 3-D, Installation, Performing, Interactive
Medium: Mix media 
Year created: Not yet finish
Description of work: 
 The artwork would be a combination of performing art, sculptures, photo documentations, drawings, a video and other kind of 2D documentations. 
 The art work is a recording or a representation of a social experiment that I will be doing. In this artwork, I am trying to explore the idea that as we humans had built upon ourselves different kinds of habitats all over the world, from small village to big city with skyscrapers and highways, are they good habitat? Are we progressing to be better as our habitat become better suitable for us? One of the aspect that humans are recognized to be distinct from all other living things is their ability to create and build their own habitat to suit their own needs and wants. Human no longer need to learn to find their niche in nature and adapt to the environment like other living things but they now only have to learn how to alter the environment and build their own habitat that suit themselves. There is this notion: for a habitat of human to grow and to advance, it is best through the process of industrialization and modernization. A city is an ideal human habitat according to many human beings. A city like the one i live in is consider by most human beings as one of the better habitat to live in. This is what I want to explore: whether what we human had build for ourselves today, through our own evolution and history, is the best kind of habitat for us? Or had we actually regress and built a habitat that wasn’t good for us? I suspect that the city that humans live in and the social system that human live under is not the a good habitat for us. Many social studies and scientific studies had shown that the cities that we live in is not able to provide us a sustainable way of living. It been proven that it take more than just a change of heart but a change of the system and structure of our city. Even though I have statistics, still I want to answer those question on my own experience.  
 In this artwork, I try to answer those two questions by conducting a social experiment by living in this humans’ habitat (my city) that we built for ourselves which we, supposed had built with every intension to make humans’ life better and more fulfilling. The focus of this social experiment will be fully on my city which is a blooming city with all the medical researches and business coming in. In this social experiment, I will be trying to live in my city as close as being a perfect human since a perfect habitat should be a place where human can be as best as they can be, where they can come as close as to fulfill their purposes and callings as their human nature would let them. And from what I predicted will be, a very difficult task that it is to live perfectly in this habitat, I will find the answer for if this is a well suited habitat for humans or not. 
 Also in this social experiment I want to observe how other humans react to the way I will be living. A part of me know that it would be humorous to many as to what I am trying to do and is doing as I know from different studies and resources that the habitat that we built for ourselves is not a good habitat for us. It is a habitat that destroys and degrades. They would think that it is so funny that I am doing all these action and how funny it is that I even try to be perfect here. I want them to think that it is funny that someone would try to be perfect in such a hostile environment where it is so hard to do so. I want them to realize that it is actually not funny that the habitat that we built for ourselves does not enable us to fulfill our purpose and callings. It does nothing but make a human laugh at the notion of trying to be a true human here at this what so called “ideal” habitat of ours. 
 I believe that a human’s purpose and calling are: live in such a sustainable way that we will do no harm to nature; we will always yearn for truths and knowledges; we will also have a heart full of sympathy and compassion; we will always yearn for love and communal experience; we will also find way to continue to make the world a better place. 
 Such purpose and calling would place many limits and changes into my  old, regular life. I will be trying to life a life of no impact to environment, of curiosity to know the truth, of courage to find the truth, of sympathy to understand other, of compassion to love other, of dream and of revolution to change. 
 The experiment would require me to live as a homeless as the houses that we live in is full of environmental harmfulness. I have to become a nomad since the habitat that we built for ourselves does not allow me to be an environmental impact free human. If I want to survive, I would be a hurter gatherer in my city, by dumpster diving or be sustainable urban gardener (which I already started to find empty lot and dirt patch in my city’s  downtown, planting vegetables and fruits so when the experiment starts, I can reap my own crops.). I would have to gain knowledge in a way that not cause any harm to the environment, which would force me to only gain knowledges and truths from a face to face, mouth to mouth conversation with other humans. I would have to learn how to get to know others and invite other people to get to know me. I have to learn to help other to learn to trust me so that they feel comfortable to let me help them in this world full of lies. I have to find a way continue my friendship and my relationship with my family as I trying to live perfectly with all this new limitations. 
 Since this habitat that we built for ourselves is not suitable for us to be a true humans, so before the social experiment, I will need to construct and make a special tool kit that would help me to live a life that is as close as a true human being that able to fulfill his purpose. Since with our mainstream, conventional of living and the structure of our habitat in this modern city, it is not a easy task to live as a true human. This tool kit will be the sculpture part of my artwork. 
 The tool kit will consist all the tools that would help me to survive sustainably, to gain truths and knowledge in a sustainable way, to offer help to others who in need, to connect me with others in a communal way. I will build the tool kit out of some objects that we encounter as trash in the city.   Then with such a tool kit, I will start my social experiment by trying to be a perfect human being that can fulfill his purposes and callings with the tool kit that I made for myself. The experiment will last about two to 4 weeks (not yet decided yet). I will be documenting it with video and picture and journals entries. 
My tool list:
a custom made cart that carry all my tool
a sleeping bag
some change of cloths
a tent or a tarp to sleep under
a rain water collecting devise 
couples container for water or food 
a map that I would had made for myself to tell me where my garden of vegetables are, where is the warm air van in the city are, where free water, public bathroom or patch of thick wood, where recycle or wasted paper are for journaling, where the safe place are that i can stay for the night... 
a device that help me to go dumpster diving 
a sign that I can show outside of the windows of restaurants to ask for left over. 
gardening tool as I plant, care and harvest the plantation I will be planting 
in downtown. 
a sign that invite other to talk to me and teach me something I don’t know
a sign that invite other to come and trust me to be a good listener and tell me their hard times in life
a sign that ask others to bring a sleeping bag and live with me on the street trying to be a perfect human in a imperfect habitat. 
a compartment for empty bottles and cans to exchange for money. 
a compartment for planting seeding, gardening tools 
a compartment 
a compartment for garbages, so if i see trash on the street, i can pick it up. 
a compartment for compost 
a compartment for growing flower
a compartment for all my books and journals 
“the book of maps” - a books that has all the information about my habitat, like where is the dumpster, the bathroom, the free water... 
“the gardening log book” - a books that has all the information about all the plant that i planted and all the fruit bearing trees that I discover in the city. 
“the book of knowledge” - a books that i been carrying with me everywhere I go. With that book, I record different fact or knowledge that people gave me with their signature. I keep the book with me all time and I pass it around so people can learn from others’ knowledge and at the time have the chance to teach other. 
 The social experiment will last about 2-4 weeks, depends on the situation. The whole time of the experiment, I will always invite people to bring a sleeping bag and join me for a night or two, to try for themselves the difficulties there are to be a true human being in this habitat that we built. I also want them to feel the joy of finally being a true human again. I want to inspirit them. 
 I will be collaborating with a photographer and couple film makers to make a documentary movie that will also be playing in the space to help farther explain and showcase the social experiment. 
 The space would be required to have plenty space to park the tool cart and also to display all the tools that I had rely on to survive as a true human in the habitat. There need to be wall spaces that I can display all the 2D documentaries from the preparation of and the experiment itself. I would also need a wall space for projecting the movie. 
Work statement: 
 “A Perfect Human in his Imperfect Habitat” sets out to explores the issue of our man-made habitat in order to examines the progress humans had made. It farther explores the question, if this habitat that human built is truly suitable for a human to be a true human. 
 “A Perfect Human in his Imperfect Habitat” also dedicated to connects with the viewers in their own habitat. It strives to gets in conversations with humans and gains their reactions. it strives to provoke emotions, thoughts and actions. 

What you think? do you have any suggestion and comments?
please comment. 

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hi, everyone

Hi, my name is Patrick.
This is my second blog.
It is a blog that dedicated to keep everyone one updated about what kinds of experiment I am doing in life.
I hope all there experiments that I share will inspirit you to look at the world in a different angle and perspective and I hope that through this new angle, you will be able to realize how beautiful the world is.
Thanks .