Wednesday, May 26, 2010

There is a thunder storm in the area... everyone rejoice!!!

For about a hour today, there was a great big strong thunder storm pass by the area. I was so thrill even though I was hoping it will last longer, much longer. It was the kind of thunder storm that come not with those dark depressing clouds. The heavy rain drops come crashing down from a bright sky. It was so majestic in a way. I was so thankful for the rain, maybe even as thankful as when I was a kid from Hong Kong when the school will shut down due to flooding from heavy rain storm. The rest of the ride, I was thinking about the gardens. I bet they enjoyed the rain!!!

It was such a good day to have the rain storm since I just fertilized 2 of the gardens with some coffee grounds. The rain surely would had helped the soil to take in the nutrient.

Dark, rich, smelly coffee grounds!!!

As I laid down to take to picture... 

What excited is that there are even more new plants coming out... the new tally is:

87 potato plants
35 pumpkins
3 rows of carrots
27 watermelons 
1 cantaloups 
2 cucumber
1 squash 
36 corns 

The 2 cucumber that we have is the first two we have:

One of the first two new cucumber!!!


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