Friday, July 30, 2010

Here you are, my dear reader... the finished tool kit!!!

Dear readers,

It is finally finished! The tool kit! After 3 weeks worth of time and works, it is indeed finished and beautiful! It been an up and down journey but surely a fulfilling one. I am so happy with the result.

Here is some pictures:

The rain water collecting system

The water containers

I also been gathering all the tools that I will be needing for the experiment and continuing to work on my "Traveling Manual". There is this great concern that I have and it might lead to a great change in my project... But it is such a hard issue that I been debating within myself for a couple of weeks now... I don't know the what will come of it as outcome... so I won't tell you anything now until I had make a decision over it. Hopefully tonight there will be a decision made. 
Thanks for reading again. 
I am so very excited about the the project and I cannot wait to get out into the city! 
Hope all is well with you all! 



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