Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2 red box had been returned back to me...

Dear readers,

There is sad new - Two of the twelve "Red Box" had returned back to me by their location. One is Bitter End Coffee House and the other one is the Schuler books store in downtown. It is sad to see that they are out of service now. They were both doing such a great job as knowledge sharing stations. It was truly sad moment when I received them, the "Red Boxes" back into my hands.

The one that was stationed at Bitter End Coffee House was sent back to me due to the owner's findings of profanities and rude material within the pages of the note pad within. He sad that he cannot allow such profanities being seen and exchanged within his coffee house which I understand fully. He expressed his disappointment of the fact that he have to stop the project but he suggested that I can try again next year which I was very grateful for. So now that "Red Box" is in the passenger seat of my car now, just sitting. I will be looking for a new home for it and hopefully soon it can be in service again.

The one that was stationed at Schuler books store was given back to me due to the fact that a man had stolen the note pad from the "Red Box" and walked away. So now what they returned, is a empty "Red Box". It pained me to know that all those knowledge had lost in a way. Most of what within is already copied and pasted on the blog, but the physical object of the notepad, the different hand writing within, the illustrations that people had draw, the folded pages, the conversation of different people within that shown by the different side notes and arrows... They are all lost. I am sad that it is all lost. The history of that book and little pieces of many's history had been lost due to one man's actions, selfishness, desire. It is so sad. One of the worker that works there was very empathetic toward the whole situation and he assured me that if I want to, he will helps me to put up the "Red Box" again. I am grateful for his offer and I hope to find a new notepad before tomorrow.

I wonder what can make a person to decide that his own desire and wants is more important than a common shared experiences and exchanged knowledge. I don't understand how can one have such a selfish heart to do that. I just don't. I don't understand what make that person think that he have a right to vandalize and to steal the note pad, the tool of exchanging and sharing... which something humans today had slow losing and detaching from... What make him feel that he have a right to take aways and own other's knowledge, experiences and histories that others had meant to share with the world. I am a bit angry I must admit to you all. I am angry at his or her selfishness. It is this kind of selfishness that the world had become what it is today.

Thank for your reading again.
sorry for my angry words...



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