Tomorrow supposes to be thunder storming all day... I am glad for the rain that the plants surely needed.
I finally finished painting all the boxes. They are ready to be put out in to the world and be a part of the experimenting the new way of learning and teaching. I am so excited for them. I still had to find venues for them to be hosted for the project. I probably will not do this tomorrow since tomorrow is the Memorial Day and most of the shops will be close. So I am planning to do this on Tuesday.
Putting the primer up
All 12 of them lining up to dry!
My studio with all these white boxes.
Start to put the red paint on them in the afternoon.
When I was making and painting the boxes, I felt so in peace. It was like time was going so smoothly. I felt so purposeful. There must be something about creating things that makes us human feel satisfy. To see something being form, being shape, and be a part of that process is truly a beautiful thing.May be when human is creating, the action of creating made us realize our own origin, the time when we were created. It is always comforting no matter what to have a sense of how we came about. Also, maybe when we create, we are able to better connect with our creator and better understand him be this mutual activities. Through our own creation we can see from our love to our creation and transfer to knowing our creator's love for us and it is such a comforting thing to know that we are loved.
On my way back home, I got pulled over by a police women. I was worry and nervous as I have no idea what I had done wrong as I thought I was following all the rules. I thought maybe the fact that I was not wearing my a shirt that is the reason, but the true reason is that I had a broken right head light......
My rear mirror when the police car was behind.
Thanks for reading.
Wish you all a great Memorial Day!
Keep in touch.
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